November 24, 2009

Aion Vision Trailer Released

Posted in Aion tagged at 9:47 am by Fedoldinn

Last night, NCSoft released their trailer for the future vision of Aion. Needless to say, a large portion of the community is extremely excited about what’s in store for the future of this game based on exclamations heard in vent and seen in chat channels in the game.

Although nothing is set in stone and some of this is sure to change, there’s quite a bit in this short video to look forward to. Some of the more obvious changes include:

  • Updated graphics all around
  • Dynamic weather and environments introduced
  • New player mounts
  • Ability for players to swim with new water environments added
  • Player or Legion housing added with what appears to be a lot of customization

Less obvious changes and potential speculation:

  • Player pets
  • Combat mounts
  • Updated spell animations, or possibly new spells added to the game
  • Updated zones or new zones
  • Massive battles in zones making the world more interactive

Aion always impressed me as being visually stunning for an MMO, but the changes here make it even more breathtaking. I’m sure NCSoft must be pushing the CryEngine to its limits with these updates, and it will be very much appreciated by the players.


  1. Mojeaux said,

    I saw this and all I can say is that it looks like I’ll be playing AION for a long time to come. Pfft at all the quitters hehehe.

  2. Middea said,

    Yeah… Stealing this from someone on Lumiel, thanks Grim 🙂

    And I have tried replying to your post on your blog, but it won’t let me 😦 Typing out long addresses multiple times oy. But I tried!

  3. Fedoldinn said,

    I laughed. I must add, I do like to read your blog, and would really like to reply. But the failures of Blogger are so epic (copy and paste anyone?) that it frustrates me too many times to bother…

    And I agree, there’s a lot to this game that most people probably didn’t take the time to explore. That video made me about as excited as I was prior to launch. It looks amazing and like they have some serious plans for updates in the future.

    Very cool.

  4. Psyche said,

    I’m extremely excited about this. Doing a post with the video myself, and will link back to your blog entry as well. Adding you to my blogroll while I’m at it; definitely a good read!

    I can’t wait til they release this content. I hear it’s being released over a series of patches rather than in one big go, but I’m not 100% sure if that’s true.
    .-= Psyche´s last blog ..NTC Again =-.

  5. NCSoft released all the expansions for Lineage 2 for free, so it’s great to see Aion following that path! Free expansions are the best! Expansions for MMOs have always infuriated me, simply because of the fact that you pay a monthly fee Charging for expansions is insulting, imo.

    Aion indeed does have a bright and glorious future, and this video proves that. 😀 Sure I knew that all along, these Koreans know their stuff! Nobody makes an MMO like NCSoft Korea. They know their grind, and content, and they know it well.

    It’s not the same as western MMOs, but it’s rewarding in a different way. Might not be a million quests, but you sure can have one badass character that’s not the same as every other character!
    .-= Cow Nose the 50 Pound Cat´s last blog ..Aion is here! =-.

  6. Mojeaux said,

    “Fedoldinn Said:

    November 24, 2009 at 12:28 pm

    I laughed. I must add, I do like to read your blog, and would really like to reply. But the failures of Blogger are so epic (copy and paste anyone?) that it frustrates me too many times to bother…

    Arrgh.. I have to change from blogspot to wordpress or something. The failures of Blogger are getting to be too much.

  7. Sindora@aion said,

    Haven’t see this vidéo thanks a lot for post
    .-= Sindora@aion´s last blog ..Les meilleurs site sur Aion! =-.

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